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My son had Martin as a tutor for his Further Maths A-level (Pure & Mechanics).
He found these lessons to be of invaluable help to sit his exams confident, well prepared and in the best possible shape.

The lessons brought clarity to challenging topics but just as importantly, the online notes provided were clear, well organised and available whenever required.

Whilst as a parent my direct involvement in the lessons was one-step removed, I noted that Martin was always patient and generous with his time - frequently going over the scheduled time for the lesson in order to tie up any loose ends.

The feedback from my son was only positive. We would recommend.


My son has gained much more confidence as a result of Martin's tutoring. He explains difficult concepts in a way that makes things "click", sharing helpful material via teams. Concentrating initially on the foundations has enabled more focused attention on the more advanced areas of A level maths. On a personal level, my son really enjoys the sessions.


Martin has been a godsend to my daughter. he has managed to get back her confidence. his teaching method is amazing. Lilly has for sure benefitted immensely and is confronting topics that otherwise were a challenge head on and more importantly, she is understanding them. Martin thank you so much for all your help, attention and patience.


Martin has been working with my son on his A Level maths in preparation for the exams this summer. Martin`s teaching is engaging and he explains things in a way that my son understands and expands to introduce different techniques for him to apply. He is extremely organised, knowledgeable, and punctual and my son enjoys his sessions with Martin and feels a lot more confident with his maths ability since the tutoring started.


My son has been working online with Martin for a few months for the OCR MEI A level Further Maths. My boy has experience working with other mathematics tutors in the past. He says Martin is very organized, offers clear explanations, has a good lesson structure, and is resourceful with questions. Martin is obviously a very experienced teacher and knows his subject very well. My son’s understanding of the subject has improved as well as his confidence. Martin is a good and an effective teacher.


Martin is very professional and my daughter is enjoying her A Level Maths. I would highly recommend him as he’s very thorough and covers the topics with a lot of depth.


I highly recommend Martin. I have allready had a previous Maths tutor who’s teaching style and approach was less clear and effective, so the change made a remarkable difference in both my attitude to my mathematical skills as well as my grades. Lessons are structured and all resources offered are ordered and easy to access, perfect balance of teaching and practice.


My kids are getting lessons from Martin in A levels. Both of them are extremely happy and satisfied with the way he explains.
Would highly recommend him for math lessons.


Martin is currently online tutoring our son, for OCR Mathematics A H240, and has achieved impressive results. Martin has helped develop a deep understanding of mathematical principles, which in application has helped our son achieve grades of A* during his recent examinations. Martin's expertise and highly collaborative approach has helped our son immensely and to navigate the learning very well.


Great tutor. Martin is different from many tutors because he offers methods which are above average level and help to achieve desirable results.


Anxiety meant that my daughter was unable to sit her exams in year 13, and she was studying alone for resits in 2023. Martin`s tutoring was hugely helpful during this year. She found that he broke down complex concepts in ways that made them much clearer to her, compared to the textbook or her previous teachers. He was also very understanding when her anxiety meant that she sometimes struggled to focus. She has managed to sit her exams this summer, and we are hopeful she has the grades she needs for uni.


Martin has been my son’s Edexcel Maths A level Tutor from September 2022 through to June 2023.
Martin has a fabulous approach to teaching A level Maths. When working through papers and examples with my son Martin would make sure that he fully understood why he had made any mistakes which helped him resolve the problem himself.
My son cannot speak highly enough of the encouragement and insights that Martin has provided since becoming his tutor.
We wish Martin every success in his future endeavours and thank him for his time and effort in coaching my son.


Martin’s style of teaching is engaging, which makes learning challenging mathematical concepts easier to grasp. His patience, attentiveness, and enthusiasm allows me to think in various, unique ways, to understand a topic. I would highly recommend Martin’s services to others - from a pleased sixth former.


Martin teaches with patience and explains the concepts well. He is also responsive when additional assistance is required for exams.


I recently got Martin to tutor my daughter and my daughter is very very happy with his way of teaching. She was having difficulty in understanding a topic and she was dreading on how to face the questions. But now she is very comfortable with the topic and the challenging questions which Martin gives has increased her desired to do/practice more. Thank you very much Martin! I am glad to have found you.


Mr Martin is a great teacher. He is explaining math in a lovely way and that makes it more simple and easy to understand. My son loves his lesson with Mr Martin and usually is looking forward for it.


Martin is an excellent tutor and very knowledgeable in his subject and great at explaining concepts. He is clearly very experienced in his area. My daughter is very satisfied with the tutoring and I would highly recommend Martin!


Martin has been a great tutor. My son needed some polishing to perfection of his Maths knowledge before exams. We were looking for a tutor at the very last minute, and Martin offered some available slots. My son definitely enjoyed the tuition and felt calm, confident and prepared for the exams. I would highly recommend Martin.


Exceptionally talented tutor. Engaged my quiet son extremely well in A level maths support, with excellent resources. So very grateful for your help. A good investment. Thank you.


I can thoroughly recommend Martin, who has managed to get our son back on track with A level Math and restored his confidence in the subject.


Great explanations and great resources. A very passionate teacher.


Martin has been a stimulating maths tutor for my son who is in lower sixth. He spends time explaining mathematical concepts thoroughly and challenging him to do more so he will ace upcoming exams.


Martin is able to explain concepts and goes through questions in a way that actually teaches and is also able to explain the methodology behind the answers. Martin has always been on time for the sessions and does not time-watch. Would definitely recommend Martin to other maths students.


Martin is an excellent tutor. He taught my daughter for around six months and helped her enormously with her A Level Maths and Further Maths. He has excellent knowledge on the subject and a highly effective teaching style. He is also very friendly, patient and professional. We highly recommend him.


Martin is the best tutor we have ever had. Simply highly recommend to get in touch with him if your son/daughter needs help. My son is finishing Y12 and Martin helps to get ready for the end of the year exam. His style of teaching is very effective and my son enjoys the lessons.


My daughter made great progress in Maths with Mr Martin . He is an excellent tutor and explains the subject, exam techniques thoroughly.


Martin is a phenomenal tutor ,he is teaching my daughter Maths and Further Maths for A level. She has been working with Martin for five months. She says that Martin is very patient to help her solve tricky problems. Martin is excellent ,kind and has good knowledge of the exam requirement .
Thanks Martin!


Martin has been an excellent tutor and greatly helped my son with his A - level maths


My son has now been working with Martin for a couple of months. He has experience with working with other mathematics tutors in the past. He says that Martin is excellent, in that he is very clear, kind, and has an excellent and detailed understanding of the exam requirements. He also says that Martin does not just provide “recipes” for solving problems, but instead goes into detail about why various techniques work the way that they do. In general, working with Martin has been a very satisfactory experience. Thanks Martin! 😊


Martin has helped me to work through any tricky problems I come across by breaking questions down into their component parts and quickly helping me to find where I`m going wrong. He also helped me to organise all of the revision that I will do in the run-up to my a-levels so that I am as well prepared as possible.


Where do I start?
Mr. Scarratt is a phenomenal tutor, you can't find anyone better than him. Mr. Scarratt taught me Maths and Further Maths during my A-Levels. Initially, my Maths background was very poor and I struggled a lot to solve questions (which other students did with ease). However, with Mr. Scarratt's teaching, I found myself actually enjoying Maths. There's just something magical about his approach to teaching Maths. I went from getting C-s on exams to getting A*-s just because of Mr. Scarratt.
Mr. Scarratt goes beyond what other tutors usually do. He encourages students, listens to their problems, and is always available to provide help.
I just can't recommend Mr. Scarratt enough.

Thank you for the amazing years, Martin!


Martin is a very patient, understanding & friendly tutor who is very accommodating at deciphering complex problems at just the right pace for me. He describes things well & is happy to go over different concepts again - very approachable & relaxed. I would definitely recommend Martin !


Martin has been tutoring my sister Reem for over 3 months once a week. Reem has found it extremely helpful. Martin is well prepared, with all the tools to make online tutoring work seamlessly. He has also been flexible and understanding even when we have dropped the ball. His clear and friendly approach has helped reveal understanding in the areas she found hardest.

I do check to see how useful she finds the sessions, and Reem has no hesitation to express how much it genuinely helps her.
Keeping up these sessions has been a no-brainer for me, thanks very much Martin!


Excellent tutor for my son doing A level maths and further maths. Martin has helped improved his grades from B to A and is able to create questions spontaneously! Being online has not impacted on the quality of teaching.


Martin is great tutor who is well experienced and good with his teaching skills


Martin has been Tutoring my daughter in year 13 since September. This has really improved her confidence level for Maths and she feels she now understands topics that had confused her at school. My daughter really likes Martin's approach as he doesn't, in her words 'leave her feeling stupid' when she gets something wrong , meaning she is more willing to try and answer a question or work through a problem.


Martin is a great Tutor. His explanations are clear and very easy to understand. He is also very professional and makes me feel secure about my math skills. I can clearly see how much I have improved in a short amount of time since I started to work with him. Thank you Martin. I am really happy to be able to work with you.


Martin has helped my son enormously at short notice in preparation for the TMUA (maths university admissions exam). My son has found him to be extremely professional, delivers very clear, planned, organised, well thought out lessons with excellent teaching resources. We have no reservations in recommending Martin.


My son is enjoying Maths with Martin. He encourages him to go a bit further. His teaching techniques are great. We strongly recommend him.


Martin has helped me a lot with my A-level course. His explanations are always clear and thorough and he provides lots of examples and exercises to practice from. In 3 months of sessions he has been consistently punctual and reliable. The lessons are engaging and I feel I get the most that I can from the hour. I definitely recommend! Thank you Martin


Martin teaches my daughter A level Maths, he is very professional, an excellent teacher and I would highly recommend him.


Excellent tutor. Makes hard concepts easy for students. My son is extremely pleased with Martin’s tutoring. Strongly recommended!


I have had 3 weeks of tuition from Martin in preparation for my A level exams. He has helped me to understand topics that I have struggled with and also improved my confidence when answering questions. He was very reliable, always on time and clearly had a lot of experience and expertise in regards to the A level and maths in general. I couldn’t recommend Martin more highly for anyone who needs extra help with A level maths.


My daughter has reported that Martin is an excellent tutor, providing very clear & concise examples and session notes - perfectly pitched :)


My son is in Year 13 doing A level Maths. He has had the benefit of weekly sessions with Martin for 3 months. I highly recommend Martin.
He is obviously a very experienced teacher and knows his subject thoroughly. He was able to quickly identify areas of weakness in learning and to address this. He is well prepared, conscientious and keen to make sessions as useful as possible and tailors them to my son’s needs.
He has been able to solidify and enhance my son’s understanding as well as improving his confidence and ability in the subject. Exactly what I was hoping for.
I have no hesitation in recommending Martin - an excellent tutor.


My son (year 12) has been having weekly tutoring sessions to help support his A level maths course. He benefits from Martin`s vast knowledge and calm logical approach. He also likes the resources Martin uses during the lessons. Since starting the tutoring my son is now much happier with his maths progress. I would not hesitate recommending Martin as a maths tutor.


A very responsible and experienced teacher. I'm very lucky to have him as my tutor.


Great tutor, responds well when you don`t understand and somehow makes maths funny!


Hi Everyone,

I am obsessed to find a good tutor for my son. Luckily I found Mr Martin on this website. He helped my son in his Further Maths studies.
He is very polite and highly educated. He also explains all the different aspects of the Maths curriculum perfectly.
I cannot find the word to describe how amazing his experience is in teaching.

Highly recommended to everyone.


Martin has been helping my daughter for only a few weeks. I can't commend his dedication and support enough. He has a huge bank of questions which is helping my daughter immensely. I have been told he has a calm and thorough approach. We were only going to have 4 sessions, we have now extended these as he is so good. Highly recommended if you have a hard working person that wants support.

Thank you Martin!


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